It is an inscribed marble statue base, which introduces us to life in Akanthos during the Roman period.
The so-called “marble of Ladiava” was found at a short distance from the Hellenistic building. It is an inscribed marble statue base, dating back to the Roman period (27 BC-14 AD), which introduces us to life in Akanthos during this period. The inscription reads: “[ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΟΡΙ ΚΑΙΣ]Α[ΡΙ] /[Θ]ΕΩΙ ΘΕΟΥ (ΥΙΩΙ)/ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩΙ Η ΠΟΛ[ΙΣ] ΚΑΙ ΟΙ ΣΥΝΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΕΥ/ΟΜΕΝΟΙ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΙ ΚΑΙ/ΟΙ ΠΑΡΟΙΚΟΥΝΤΕΣ.”
Σαμσάρης, Δ., «Οι Ρωμαίοι και η Χαλκιδική», Μακεδονικά 25 (1), σσ. 33-46.
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